Huayuan Miao Opera Troupe promotes Miao opera

Jan Mon 2024
Recently, the Miao Opera Troupe of Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture performed in Shake Village, Malichang Town. As the only professional art group of Miao Opera in China, the troupe was selected as a demonstration unit for grassroots literary and artistic troupes in the province, which is the only one that wins this honor in Xiangxi Prefecture.

Huayuan is a county inhabited by the Miao ethnic group, with the Miao people accounting for 77.3% of the total population. It is the birthplace of Ganqiu Festival, one of the world’s intangible cultural heritage items.

The county has 6 national intangible cultural heritage projects, 13 provincial and 180 prefectural and county intangible cultural heritage projects, like Miao medicine, Miao embroidery and Miao monkey drum.

The county has been rated as the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art for eight consecutive years. In 1954, Miao opera originated in Malichang Township, Huayuan County. In 2006, it was included in the first batch of provincial level intangible cultural heritage items.

“Miao opera has a unique ethnic style, with stage singing and dialogue in the Miao language. The performance movements are mostly from the daily lives of the Miao people, and combined with Miao folk dance and Miao martial arts.”

Cai Wei, director of the troupe, introduced that the troupe explored Miao cultural resources and Miao people’s life scenes, and created more than 40 large and small Miao operas with local characteristics. It has won more than 20 national, provincial and prefecture level awards.

The Miao opera “Car Passing through Miao Village” reflects the practical significance of rural revitalization strategy for rural development, and won the gold award of Hunan Stars Award at the 7th Hunan Art Festival.

The troupe actively explores innovative paths for public-interest cultural programs, and regularly provides performances in villages. In 2023, over 250 performances were carried out in more than 90% of rural areas, benefiting more than 150,000 people.

Based on existing professional and technical personnel, this troupe mobilizes and integrates social forces, strengthens cultural promotion, and provides free cultural guidance and training sessions to folk organizations, performance teams and cultural enthusiasts in Huayuan County all year round. Every year, more than 40,000 various literary and artistic talents are provided with training for free.
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